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international workers day 1 May

international workers day 1 May   :  hello  everyone today we are talking about international workers day 1 May. i hope you will enjoy our international workers day 1 May post.

international workers day 1 May

international workers day 1 May
labour day usa

World's International Workers 'Day, also known as Labor Day or Workers' Day, is known as 'May Day'. An ancient European spring festival is celebrated by the International Labor Movement, which is a celebration of the day and happens every year on Major Day.

labour day in india       

On May 4, 1886, the Chicago-based socialist and communist political parties in Chicago were selected to commemorate the Harmarkat's love affair with the pen-national organization. The second conference of the Second International of 1904 was "established by all the Social Democratic Party organizations and trade unions of all countries to conceptualize the establishment of the 8-day day for the first time, for the demand of class-class and for global peace."

may 1 labor day

There are national public holidays in many countries on the first date in the world on May, such as "Labor Day", "International Workers' Day" or in most cases of some similar names - although some countries celebrate significant labor days for them on other dates, people in countries like the United States Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September.

labour day uk

In the latter half of the 19th century, a number of days were chosen by traders as a day for labor celebration, increasing trade union and labor movements. In September 1882, the United States and Canada, known as Labor and Labor Day, was first proposed in the 1880s, in 1882, Meteor Maguire, a mechanic, proposed Labor Day holidays for the first Monday in September, when New York's Central Labor Union CLU was serving as the secretary.

labour day date

Wockers' Day is celebrated in the following countries.


1 May is known as Labor Day and it is considered a paid holiday. Egypt's President in Cairo, Egypt has traditionally taken the lead on official Mayday celebrations.

may day history


Kenya has a public holiday on May 1 and is celebrated as Labor Day. Head of the umbrella union of workers - it is a big day of Central Organization of Trade Units. Every year the Labor Minister addresses the workers, the government has approved the minimum wage on Labor Day and raises the wages.

labour day in india 2017


On May 1, activists in Nigeria gather in the stadium to commemorate this public holiday. On this day Nigerian President of Labor Congress addresses the activists and has been a tradition for decades. It is essential to observe all the workers.

South Africa

On 1st May in South Africa, the Workers' Day is celebrated as National Employment Day. In the pre-1994 South Africa, on the day of public holidays, the demands of annual plans became a rallying point for the workers and their trade associations and those apartments were one of the significant days each year to resist the government and its ethnic policies.

may day in india


In India, Labor Day is a public holiday on May 1. It is celebrated as the International Labor Day. This holiday combines labor movement for communist and socialist political parties. Labor Day is known in Hindi language as "Worker Din", in the Kannada language "Kamikkara Dynasty", "Worker's Day" in Marathi language, "Ushapalar Dhinam" in Tamil and "Thoosihalali Dinam" in Malayalam language.


May Day is officially appointed as a national holiday by the Japanese government, but since it is among other national holidays, it is the day of work for most Japanese workers.


The first start of May Day in Indonesia was seen as a public holiday since 2014. Every day on this day, the laborers are descending on the streets in major cities across the country.


After a late announcement in Malaysia by Prime Minister Ismail Abdul Rahman, began observing the holiday in 1972.


International Labor Day is celebrated on 1st May to celebrate the social and economic achievements of laborers in Pakistan. It is a public holiday and on this day all government and non-governmental organizations, factories and educational institutions are closed.

United Kingdom

Since 2008, the Spring Bank holiday in the United Kingdom, called Stalin Banner, in CPGbbl, shown in every London International Workers' Day rally, was created in 1978 and is held every Monday on the first Monday of May.

so, these are the main points about 'international workers day 1 May'.

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international workers day 1 May

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