35+ Interesting Facts about INDIA you don't know - Latest Updates

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Monday 14 May 2018

35+ Interesting Facts about INDIA you don't know

Interesting Facts about INDIA  :  in this post i'm going to share about Interesting Facts about INDIA. i hope you will enjoy our this post and if you like our post then don't forget to share a post with your family members and friends.


Interesting Facts about INDIA

The country is changing, it is progressing rapidly on the path of progress. At the same time the wave of change has raced. In this way, many people just like to give abuses to the system. Say that when the matter comes to the country, most people's thoughts are negative.

There are so many people who sit at the shop, sit in the street or stand at the pan or tea shop and give abuses to the country's system. The truth is, there is nothing to do with abuses. A positive thinking will have to be developed, because then you will be able to divide the country's progress.

40 Interesting Facts About India

Interesting facts About INDIA

Origin of the name 'India', the name 'India' has originated from the river named Indus, which used to sail in the valleys of Indus Valley.
  1. Name:
Official Sanskrit name is Hindustan's 'Republic of India'. Today, people are only called 'India'.

2. How big is India


India is at number seven in the list of the largest size countries in the world.

3. How big is India

India is at number seven in the list of the largest size countries in the world.

4. Crores of millionaires in India

There are millions of millionaires in India but there is a great difference between rich and poor in India, due to poverty there is more.

5. No national language language:

India has no national language, Hindi is the official language which is spoken in many states of the country. Apart from this, English is also spoken in many states of the country. Apart from this, there are Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Marathi languages ​​which are spoken in 22 states of the country. In India, 1,652 dialects and languages ​​are used.

6. The most spoken English is spoken

India is the most spoken English after Hindi. India is the 24th country in the world where most of the English is spoken. There are 22 states in India where Hindi and English are used as standard language.

7. Tajmahal of Agra

Taj Mahal of Agra is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which was built by the Mughal ruler Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz.

8. Biggest road network

The world's largest road network is close to India, which connects part 1.9 million miles.

9. Chess

Chess of whom Chess are called were invented in India. It was known as 'Chaturanga Sanskrit' which means 'Four Members of an Army'.

10. Diamond

Diamond: By 1986, India was the only country in the world where officially diamond was found.

11. Export

For thousands of years, India is exporting clothes, besides exporting steel, agricultural commodities, and such technology or related items.

12. age group

More than 50 percent of people in India are younger than 25 years, 65 percent of them are younger than 35 years. People in India are soon young people than other countries.

13. The university

In 700 BC, India's first university, Takshila was open, from which thousands of students studied spread the scent of the country in the corner of the world.

14. Largest mail order

The world's largest postal system is only for India.

15. Varanasi

Varanasi, the holy city of the country, is the oldest city in the world.

16. Oldest civilization

India's civilization is the oldest in the world, even many ancient places and buildings in the world are in India. The ancient empires of India are also earlier than Mishra and Mesopotamia.

17. Biggest film industry

The world's largest film industry is in India. More movies are made in Bollywood, films are also produced in many other studios of the country.

18. Creating Zero

India has given the world the concept of 'Zero', the most important number in mathematics.

19. Largest Montessori School

India has the world's largest Montessori school. It is the City Montessori School of Lucknow, in which the number of students is approximately 26000.

20. Milk production

India is the world's largest Milk producer.

21. Red color good

Red color is considered auspicious in India, similar colors are worn on marriage and on different occasions.

22. Most mountain ranges

Himalaya is located in India. Apart from this, mountain ranges are spread over 1500 miles, which are 23, 600 feet high.

23. Most revered

Vishnu Temple at Tirupati is the only temple in the world where most devotees come. Here the devotees come from Vatican and Mecca also.

24. First mausoleum

Perhaps some people in the world will know that the first tomb in the world was built in India. Here the grave Shahjahan was made for Humayun, though after that his wife and other Mughal dynasty people were also buried here.

25. Religious collection

Every 12 years, the Kumbh Mela is organized in Allahabad. Kumbh Mela is the only fair in the world where most people come in the name of religion.

26. Brihayeshwar Temple

The temple of Brihay Devasar is the largest temple in the world, where Lord Shiva's ride is the biggest idol of Nandi. Its height, which remains in the place of 13 ft. This temple was built several thousand years ago.

27. Highest ground

The world's highest cricket stadium is in Himachal Pradesh. This stadium is 24 thousand meters above sea level.

28. Largest democracy

The largest democracy in the world is in India. India has the highest voter and India is also at the forefront of the election expenses.

29. India is ahead in buying gold

India is at the forefront of buying gold in the world. Gold is considered as the most important part of India's culture, whether it is a gift or to be used in a wedding ceremony.

30. Hindu:

There are more people of Hinduism in India. Most festivals and holidays are celebrated in India only.

31. The highest mosque in India

India has the highest mosque in comparison to any country in the world. Not only this, India is the second largest country in the Muslim population.

32. Originated in India only

This unique game of snake and ladder was also originated in our country too. The education behind the game is hidden and the illusion that education is hidden.

33. Ludo

Pachisi was born in India in the 6th century. You must be surprised to know that the evidence of the picture of this game is still present in Ajanta caves. This game was very liked by the Mughal emperors of India.

34. the mathematics

Indians have made significant contributions to trigonometry, calculus and algebra. In India only 100 years ago the decimal system was invented.

35. Medical progress

Surgery was done by Sushrut in India about 2,600 years ago. He has developed Ayurveda and has created a record of many complex surgeries and operations.

36. Big business

Vinod Khosla, Co-founder Sun Microsystems and Rajiv Gupta are GM's of Hewlett-Packard. There are many companies that are established or they are being run by Indians themselves.

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these are the very common Interesting Facts about INDIA. i hope you will enjoy our post.
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