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Wednesday 2 May 2018

Facts About Vladimir Putin : President of Russia

Facts About Vladimir Putin : President of Russia   :   Today we are talking about Facts About Vladimir Putin : President of Russia. I hope you are exited to see the post.

Facts About Vladimir Putin : President of Russia

Facts About Vladimir Putin : President of Russia

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (born 7 October 1952) is a Russian politician. He is the President of Russia from 7th May 2012 and has been elected for the next term after getting 76% of the votes in the presidential election held in 2018.

Earlier, from 2000 to 2008, the President of Russia has been the Prime Minister of Russia from 1999 to 2000 and from 2008 to 2012. During his prime minister's tenure he was also the President of Russia's United Russia Party.

Putin served as an officer in the Soviet Union's KGB Institute for 16 years, where he was promoted to the post of Lieutenant Colonel. After retiring in 1991, he stepped into politics from his native city, St. Petersburg. In 1996, he joined the administration of President Boris Yeltsin in Moscow, and became the acting President of Russia on December 31, 1999 due to the resignation of Yeltsin's unexpected resignation.

After that, Putin won the presidential election of 2000 and again 2004. Due to the tenure set by the Russian Constitution, it was ineligible to stand for the third consecutive presidential election in 2008. In 2008 Dmitry Medvedev won the Presidential election and appointed Putin as the Prime Minister.

In September 2011, as a result of the change in law, the period of the term of the presidency increased from four years to six years, and Putin announced in 2012 that he will contest the elections in search of a third term for president, There were massive protests in the cities. In March 2012, he won this election and is currently completing the term of 6 years. After getting 76% of the votes in the presidential election held in 2018, he has also been elected for the next term.

During Putin's first tenure as Prime Minister and President (1999-2008), the real income increased 2.5 times, the actual remuneration increased more than three times; Unemployment and poverty worked halfway, and the Russians self-assessed life satisfaction greatly increased. Putin's first presidential term is seen as a period of economic growth: the Russian economy grew for eight consecutive years, a 72% increase in purchasing power parity and a 6-fold increase in the nutritional gross domestic product.

Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg, Russia) of the Russian Republic of the Soviet Union. His father's name was Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911-1999) and mother's name was Maria Ivanovna Shellomova (1911-1998). Her mother was a factory worker and father working in the Soviet Navy, her mother used to work in a factory. His father served in the submarine fleet in the 1930s and during World War II the enemy was ambushed and admitted to the attacking squad. After the war, he worked as a foreman in a factory. Vladimir was the third child in his family and two older brothers had died in the infancy. In 1975, Putin graduated from Leningrad State University and then started working in KGB, which he continued till 1991.

In 1975, Putin received a bachelor's degree from Leningrad State University and after that he started working in KGB. In KGB, he got the task of overseeing foreigners and commercial embassy officials in Leningrad.

In 1990, Putin was appointed as the adviser to Leningrad Mayor Anatoly Sabbak. He started his political career right here. On 28 June 1991, he became head of the Foreign Relations Committee of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, where he got the responsibility to promote international relations and foreign investment. The Committee also used to register trade enterprises under the chairmanship of Putin.

From 1994 to 1996, Putin worked in several other political and official positions in St. Petersburg.

On August 9, 1999, Vladimir Putin was appointed as one of the three first Deputy Prime Ministers, and later on that day President Boris Yeltsin appointed him as the caretaker Prime Minister of the Russian Federal Government. In a television address, President Yeltsin presented Putin as his successor. On the same day, Putin expressed his willingness to contest the presidential election.

so, These are the important Facts About Vladimir Putin : President of Russia. i hope you will enjoy our Vladimir Putin : President of Russia facts.

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Facts About Vladimir Putin : President of Russia

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